We are dedicated to sharing the truth and willing Justice. We are trying to impart knowledge, solve problems, resolve displaced souls and reduce human suffering for the End Of The World. Our hope is ALL people will be more receptive and find soul mates, we all have one and it is the only way we know to be most complete, less scared, not alone to brave the most difficult times ahead.


We are the most targeted and cyber hacked individuals on the planet. We have only good intentions. Should anything on this site or SDMessenger.Org be incorrect or seemingly in ill intent which we are not, please alert us in comments so we may make corrections. We do not want the message perverted or Our intention lost. 

We have written many papers some included herein resolving displaced souls including the Holocaust by implicating other ultimate suspects, and informing on Truth.


WE are here at The End, with abilities to tie up loose ends, reduce human suffering, resolve displaced souls by solving murders and human atrocities.


We Charity & Lauren Iconic have a purpose and can act in the interest of the collective, humanity Now!