9/11 To Pipeline Oil from Middle East to the West

9/11 False Flag - Iraq Occupation To Build Oil Pipeline
During Reagan Or Bush I, same administration.
My father was an engineer who built oil pipelines for Fluor Daniel and the axis of evil, base in Irvine CA. At family holiday event I overheard my father telling my uncle that Fluor was 6th bidder to build a pipeline that began in the Persian Gulf, ran under Iraq and presumably out to Mediterranean and out to sea.
9/11/2001 - Worst Attack on USA soil
Billionaires called into or arrived late to the towers that morning.
A record number of PUT options on crashed airlines. Put options aren’t to buy stock they are a bet a stock will dive.
NORAD In drills identical to 9/11 Attacks, stands down 1’46”.00
1 hijacker trained to take off in biplane 6 months, a box cutter weaponed, worst pilot, last to crash, flew a jumbo jet at ground level into our Center Of Defense, the Pentagon. Uninhibited. This is considered a declaration of war and grants the Bush Administration additional powers.
Rudy Giuliani told us at 2:30pm there was no coordination on the ground nor bombs in the buildings to the exclusion of even one. City is blown to shit and last attack was a bomb in the basement. Where Everyone reported explosions as well as in the elevator shafts and even before the planes hit. This is guilty knowledge. The “World’s Mayor” was in on it.
A paper passport was found on the curb, one of the hijackers, 1000s of bodies were completely incinerated, whole plane in the building, and this passport found immediately after collapses.
4PM Osama Bin Laden, CIA trained to wait to be set up, patsy, picture is on international news as the terrorist responsible.
Aberrations of physical science, gravity and fire fighting. 3 steel frame buildings collapsed within minutes and only 2 hit by planes.
There was “molten lava” running under trade center ground zero for months. That’s really hot or nuclear. Jet fuel burned off the day of.
Explosive material found in the rubble at ground zero
WTC 7 CONTROLLED DEMOLITION. If a 2 story office fire collapsed that building it would have collapsed if full of people. There was a great deal of money underneath. The 3rd collapse was omitted from 9/11 commission report. And only 5 steel framed buildings have collapsed in history. 3 on 9/11 and 1 not hit by plane.
The towers fell at the same rate as our patriot jumpers to their deaths, who had no resistance below them. 110+ floors of fortified steel resistance, gone. Same space hours apart. 10-11 Seconds Tower 1 & 2 & Jumpers.
Rumsfeld said they “lost” $1,800,000,000,000 or $1.8Trillion. Lost it during the war.
Now we know Bush Regime 1&2, Oil Industry, Defense contractors orchestrated 9/11.
Then Why Iraq? They weren’t involved and no reason to believe they had weapons of mass destruction.
Why Iraq?
There’s an American built OIL pipeline running under Iraq. That’s why Iraq. From Persian Gulf to Mediterranean and presumably out to sea.
It’s about oil, of course it’s just not topside. The war makes no sense until you find the oil pipeline underneath Iraq.
Saudi Arabia elite are in on it they are friendly to Bush country. They sacrificed their black sheep. The odd one. Osama Bin Laden is not powerful enough to do this, neither is Saddam Hussein. We installed.
And Gas is a fire sale. Why?
Gas is not expensive at $5 a gallon when ice cream is $6 or 7$ a gallon.
Because the oil climate scientists are telling the truth to the gas lobby about time left and it’s priced to sell every drop.
As soon as oil is gone, latest 2050, so are we. 90% of the 1st world will be dead in 6-9 months from dysentary without basic life services, electric, water, refuse and sanitation.
Elites want to inherit the earth.
Our leaders killed our patriots in cold blood for it. Then they charge less than Ice cream my whole life. Makes no sense. Unless they want to run out.
The end of oil is end of us that’s why it’s a fire sale.
This has been reported to the FBI and Interpol. I figured so much of our country is corrupt and Interpol is 196 countries global. They should look into 9/11 and the blood Oil we need to confiscate.
Corruption: Oil lobby tipped off. Removed the pipe under Iraq and have been trying to kill me ever since.
Interpol agents making $70K protecting elites hell bent on our wipe out. They're going to die too. Walking dead.
Whistleblower, Writer & Journalist