*~…*~TRUMP & HITLER~*…~*
It’s long ago past time for comparison. Media/Press is criminally negligent. Installing dictators since 2015 – Present.
Refers to immigrants as an INFESTATION. Says they bring crime and disease. The historical inference is dehumanizing them for most efficient extermination.
A ban on people of a scapegoated, vilified religion. RELIGIOUS PERSECUTION. Muslim Ban.
He’s a FASCIST as is the USA today. FASCISM is the alignment of corporate and government power against the people. Fascism article to follow as few recognize it.
PROPAGANDA. Need I say more?
There is good reason to believe minority populations/breeding is being “controlled”. There is an ICE whistleblower claiming FORCED or without informed consent HYSTERECTOMIES in detention centers in 2020 USA.
He is a EUGENICIST. Eugenics Is the quack science of superior race and racial cleansing. Stephen Miller, overseeing border detention, is a Eugenicist. A Eugenicist in the cabinet, drafting immigration policies, specifically ROUND UPS and RAIDS of Mexicans, USA 2017.
CIVIL FORFEITURE. Jeff Sessions broadened the scope and use. It gives the govt the power to seize your belongings if you’re suspected of a crime. No charges or convictions necessary. Just suspicion. To get your property back, you have to prove in a court of law that they were not used in or proceeds, of a crime. If you can’t afford legal representation, you will never see your possessions again.
He petitioned the courts for INDEFINITE DETENTION, which is ominous because it is expensive, resource exhaustive and difficult to maintain humane conditions. Look up Nazi history. Indefinite detention is the last stop before exterminations which are cheap, efficient, requires no upkeep or humanity.
(Obama deported more illegals. Why?)
American POWs say conditions are worse in Trump border “camps” than their wartime enemy capture and detentions.
Trump’s Party is now the UNIFIED (4th) REICH. He’s not even subtle. Not at all.
Ivana said he keeps MY New Order, a book of HITLER’s speeches in his night stand. Not Mein Kampf. The pseudo normal read. It is the ONLY book he is known to have read.
He has a violent past. The brutal rapes of his wives. 2nd Marla had hers as part of the divorce decree. She was right and won settlement. Forcible rapist.
What puzzles me about Hitler concerns me in Donald Trump:
Hitler wasn’t a part of the SUPERIOR RACE. How bizarre is that? Which is Building an Aryan Nation of 6’2”, blonde hair, blue eyes. He may have believed he was a God and superior but not perfect, nevertheless.
Writer Insight: Like Donald Trump tanning. Two Strong man dictators, WHITE SUPREMACISTS who likely have low self esteem or are insecure about the color of their skin. It’s funny. But takes true self hatred to horrifically brutalize others. All the strong men are portly, short and micropenised if you ask me. Trump, Putin, Kin Jong Un and Hitler. There are better things to do together than keep people in concentration camps. Just IMO. Get a life.
Otherwise, Donald Trump thinks HE IS the SUPERIOR RACE, he is the SuperMan, the ideal. He feels more entitled to the land and life than he believes Hitler was. He’s not worshipping Hitler, he’s thinking “Hitler failed. I’m going to succeed and cleanse America. I’m naturally superior. Hitler is inferior to me”
Trump wants to be THE Strongest Strong Man. The only people on the planet he respects. Trump wants to be in/top of their ranks.
Wildly Dangerous.
Hitler was brilliant and a politician.
Trump has far less going on and in mind. Trump is more dangerous and the USA Fascist – Primed for human atrocities.
The Holocaust that no one is allowed to mention, it’s too terrible, NO comparison is ever allowed to be made?
Well, generations of people and derelict journalists don’t recognize the 4TH REICH & HOLOCAUST in coming.
‘You can’t compare HITLER!’
Yes I can! I have for 6 Years. But how to help people that won’t help themselves?
So, A HOLOCAUST Were doomed to repeat unfortunately. No one’s allowed to talk about it so now we all get to live it.
All HEIL Donald Trump!
Writer, Journalist & Advocate