If you want to see the END OF WORLD (Us, planet relief)…Look For the Bugs.

If you want to know when, look for the scientists.


Eat Our Crises


A truck driver called into an ecologist podcast. He drives East to West coast. 20 years ago he stopped at every truck stop to clean bugs off his windshield. Now, which was 5 years ago, he can make it almost all the way without stopping.


Everyone knows the bees are gone or lost or however you reconcile our demise. Why are they different than other insects?  I surmise, that we like the bees, honey and pollination. All other bugs are pests, so nobody misses them. Well, guess what? It’s not just the bees, wouldn’t that be weird? It’s ALL insects.


Before the scientific community went into cover up, don’t call us crazy mode, and no one wants to be the cast out quack or labeled an Alarmist, career and grant award suicide. I was reading estimates lost to be 50% in the last 30 years.


The scientific community doesn’t know for sure because NOBODY bothered studying populations or did any counts. WTF could be the benefit?


Once they realized the extinction was across the spectrum of insects. I imagine they pondered their studies. Millions and Billions and Trillions of money to study:


These are real, overly funded experiments:


“Scientists” fed spiders schizophrenic’s urine to see if the spider’s webs could diagnose mental illness. The findings – spiders don’t like our crazy urine. And I can’t get a remote diagnosis, during the pandemic, from a human being?  Ok.


A scientist didn’t like spiders spinning webs in middle of the night, so he gave them amphetamines to spin webs at a more socially acceptable hour. Spiders waking me up all night with their webs? Ok.


They studied heroin addicted butterflies to understand heroin addicted human beings. Right.


How bees mating dances change when they’re drunk. As if that can occur anywhere in nature. WTF is the point!? Seriously!


Teaching flies to count to learn about mathematical learning disabilities. Wow. 


$900,000 to study bomb sniffing locusts and they’ve found honey bees can detect the difference between heroin and cocaine.


Well, The airport will certainly be more interesting. Look out Pablo Escobar! Here comes a swarm to entrap you! No, It’s a sting!


Silly scientists take yellow showers on yellow jackets, watching them hit rock bottom with our low life habits, educating flies for 2 weeks of life – I’m certain their tuition was more than mine, and spiders to spin diagnostic webs unqualified.


MAYBE, Just Maybe, instead of studying insects doing what WE do, we should’ve been studying insects doing what THEY do. Maybe.


 Certainly, before buzzing on 8 balls we should’ve counted the bees.


And the problem is not our cats let outside, decimating small animal populations. They cant. That’s scientific community propaganda. The cats are supposed to be outside. Does anyone have more ravenous cats?  I didn’t think so. Scientists are blaming your pets for your own extinction.


“We’re the scientists and we’re so smart. We’ll blame indoor cats for total food chain collapse. Everyone will believe us and cats can’t talk”


There’s a diversion story, about bugs replacing the protein in our diets, as if there are enough.There’s so many bugs the 3rd world must be getting so fat. Am only one is story cooked right after “1/2 are gone” story was buried. I see these things and think ‘someone who knows more than I do will say something. Surely they must’.  I’m an expert at nothing but starting shit.


There are supposed to be 1.4 Billion bugs for each human. Do you see your billion? One this week, last month, this year?


Reptiles and birds in flight are dying of starvation and no one knows why.


The base of our food chain is GONE.


The food chain can do without us, apex predator at the top, all life on earth will flourish, but we can’t live without the bottom, the little things, the bugs.


But, the Truth is never trending. Ever. Do your own research.


I did my own observation. I compared life as a kid. We caught them, trapped them, made them fight, my dad cleaned off the grill of his classic cars every weekend, a bug zapper was entertainment at night, designated slippers and honorary bug killers, we had an ant hill in our backyard and a bee hive built under front eves. If we laughed while riding bikes, bugs In our mouth, in our hair, under rocks and so many Rollie Pollies, pets I kept, silk worms cocoon at night.


I don’t catch bugs in my home. 3-4 times in 7 years. My last insect invader, a caterpillar came in on sushi. No snails or earthworms after rain. And, I never see butterflies anymore and that makes me so sad. You know they’re magical! We all freeze, stop breathing, to point and watch. You know.


When I started my observation, 5-6 years ago. I thought “3 months of bug search and if few, count.” I didn’t make it 3 weeks. It was too eerie and depressing to continue looking for insects, so I stopped for my mood and mindset.


Aside from climate change and 5-6* increase in OUR lifetime, once the poles melt, this decade, the OTHER  bomb scientific community doesn’t want to drop because they blew it. It won’t take another 30 years for the rest of the insects to extinct.


 At an ever accelerating rate, they’re going, soon to be gone and then we’re toast.


Scientists are moving to higher elevations with cooler temperatures. I found a video of one climate scientist, 5-6 years ago that has since been removed, that said “We don’t see what good telling the public will do. It’s 10 years whether we tell them or not. We don’t want a panic” 


They don’t see the benefit in telling us?  Not to YOU! It will Increase property values and drive housing scarcity wherever YOU QUACKS ARE hiding out!?!


Panic? I say we EAT THEM. Just my suggestion. I’ve been researching this for years and I’m sick of them being not at all accountable, vilifying my cat and promising me gourmet maggot burgers, passing the human extinction buck.


We need to replace the bottom of the food chain. THEY say it’s impossible.  I don’t believe ‘em anymore. I think we can do it! Just put them down there and let nature take its 1st scientist course.


Eat our crises, the scientists, so they can’t do this on any other planets. They are a menace.


It would be therapeutic and we need to begin the healing.


But, Don’t trust my word. And definitely DON’T believe any of them. Don’t listen to what anyone says, including me, just watch where the scientists go and look for the bugs is ALL you need to KNOW.


It’s not just the bees. It’s not your indoor pet family. And crickets are not the other white meat. Propaganda.


The bugs, THE base of the food chain is GONE. What makes sense to YOU?


If you want to See The End Of The World. LOOK FOR THE 🦋🪲🐛🐝🦂🕷🐌🐞🦗


If you want to know when, look for the scientists.




2018, 2024








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