To correct false premise: Nichol Kessinger‘s primary interest was In Chris Watts.


Shanann was actually her target. Proof.


Fact: Nichol Kessinger & Shanann R. (Watts) relationship predates Chris Watts.


Nichol DID NOT meet or know Chris Watts until Anadarko. March – May 2018. Right?


The logical deduction, in 2017 and earlier google searches, she 100% HAD TO know Shanann. She had to know ONE of them to search them 2017 & earlier and it wasn’t Chris.


NK knew SR to perform Google searches (even if it was CW, she didn’t know him = motive which means Nichol Kessinger killed Shanann Watts. Period.


If Law Enforcement, followed the information in an investigation to find the truth, not decidingnthe truth would come from the 12 months immediately preceding the murders?


If we found the 1st Shanann Google Search, you’d have 0 doubt as to who obsessed, stalked and over-killed all of HER .


This plot took longer to plan than Chris and Kessinger knew each other. Nichol Kessinger set up Fredericks Finest and CBI to destroy the evidence. Explained herein.


Other Logical Deductions in the case. 


Ladies & Gentlemen


Women don’t research married men to meet, to date, to fall in love and be broken. Men don’t have sex for 6 weeks straight, pissed to go off and overkill slaughter their family for a new infidelity. Even if he were capable of strangulation, which he’s not, he feels guilt not rage or vengeance, he alienated them he didn’t resent them.



Rare Personality Type


Chris Watts never acted independently of a woman in his 33 years of life. DA attests than when he’s  answering to more domineering women than ever, 3 – Mother, Wife, Mistress. He exercises independent thought, a 1st in life, to go rogue and annihilate his whole family.


Chris Watts is a minuscule percentage of the population, happy when Shanann was bossy – content to be told, a rare personality type. So suggestible he IS dangerous around someone of influence and ill intent. People find this out about themselves, in less than desirable ways. A girl gets chain raped or someone driving get away car, they get manipulated and they are beyond suggestible. 


He’s not a narcissist.


Evidence says Nichol pursued him,  so can she be narc supply using him? That makes no sense.

He says In jailhouse chat, “he has never been pursued” nor expected to be. Surprised. Sounds like a Non-existent ego. The ugly duckling. 

He’s not a psychopath either. His nickname is Rain man. He can’t strangle anybody. 


Just a Body Bag Man

He was the 6 weeks, pu$$y bombed, body-bag man. She needed him to move bodies. 


The Crime

A Special Witch and Night

Most inopportune night. Less time than any other, to bury bodies conspicuously at Dawn. All 3 due somewhere, separately early in the morning. Risky, rushed.


August 13, is the honoring of Hecate as Goddess of magick, Protectress of Witches and personification of the Moon.


When Shanann was delayed until 2 AM. HE, no doubt, wanted to postpone. Nichol wouldn’t because the night has meaning to her. 2 hour phone call, was likely to keep him in the mindset until she got there, reason neither could share what they spoke of. I don’t know why she wasn’t there already but I think they may have been doing drugs.


Trauma & Mental Incapacitation for Days


Chris Watts witnessed Nichol Kessinger strangle Shanann most animalistic, maniacal and vicious in the basement or garage to be close to load body.


At a moment of shear dread. He saw her doing something she wanted to do far more than him. He immediately went into shock with Stockholm. She’s a psychopath and finally killed her obsession. NK had the defensive wounds.


Now, he’s answering to a psychopath, moments ago, he thought cared about him. I can’t think of a situation more disorienting, traumatizing or terrifying. He just got his love murdered, invited a psychopath into his family and home.


Shock and Stockholm’s Syndrome helps explain how he put his baby girls down 8-9” inch hatches. His mind was auto-pilot mush, supported in the evidence. No one should be so scared to do something so horrible but he is a very special case person who does not have primary control.


She’s the Scientist


The dump site, doubling as his alibi. Had he not been allowed to self incriminate, mentally incapacitated, they never would’ve found the bodies.


Frederick cops & CBI, DA AT Cervi 319 all day with drones, with the owner and likely without a warrant, stalking him at his work essentially, destroying all the evidence, w

Well never know if Bella walked.


Failing to find the shallow grave, 15 Ft from left out, shock mind mush, maybe matching murder sheet maybe no murder sheet.


There were 3 bedroom sheets. In bedroom, kitchen trash and out at Cervi, why? Makes no sense. Shanann didn’t use 3 sheets and Chris used trash bags. She didn’t let him park on driveway for stains, I doubt Chris wrapped her in a sheet to stain and incriminate and didn’t bury her in it.


He’s completely incapacitated or the cops are setting him up.


Why didn’t they find Shanann? She was closest to the sheet, otherwise 100 yards from anything. If they brought the sheet, they wouldn’t have searched around it as if it was significant. Who wouldn’t bury it? Who wouldn’t search the area around it?


Why? Why wasn’t it searched once you had A warrant.


Watts is wearing clothes 3X too big that haven’t fit in a year. Supports mental incapacitation. He’s not in his right mind.


Owner can’t ensure or waive Chris’ rights. The owner is pointless. The reason Rourke has waivers is because he doesn’t know how to DA or get warrants. He’s won his elections, 2 terms uncontested.


They breeched the hatches, to prove Chris was lying, looking for evidence they WEREN’T down there, what would that be?? You can’t know for an absence of evidence until You’ve looked in the tank.


I hope for your sake if you find 2 baby girls down 8 inch hatches, you got a warrant before doing dumb like proof they aren’t in them. What would that be?!?! Absence of evidence means further investigation. Someone put their arm down there and THEN. They found evidence in hair, they WERE down there, TOO LATE to get a warrant after.


And you can’t blame it on emotion or heinousness because we didn’t know how bad until they already blew it. What were they looking for? What definitive proof would be found at the hatch to prove they’re not in there?


Bodies & dump site Inadmissible.


Rourke, got waivers instead of warrants. At 11:30pm CW waived 4th amendment to search the crime scene, not AT ALL secured all day and scene thoroughly contaminated by 4 people planting wedding rings and amateur detectives, while Frederick’s finest side yard gossip how guilty Chris Watts was. The cop knew when he called his detective she wasn’t at the pool or the store. He should’ve secured the scene instead of gossiping and deciding whos guilty. 


Crime scene evidence ALL inadmissible.


3 days later, they had yet to confiscate video surveillance equipment, could be modified, taped over, spilled on. Nate Trinisitch, pleaded with them to take the equipment, “What should I do with it, you taking it or getting it?”


Frederick’s Oblivious, again, treat him like an attention seeker when unlike them, he’s actually the only Justice seeker. Freaking out because he knows what the tape means and they don’t at all.

So sure he acted alone, “We know who did this we don’t need any evidence” What else does it say?


Video evidence of the only way they left the home, bodies loading and transport inadmissible.


Did they get a warrant for his truck’s GPS? If Anadarko permitted, if so only his work hours are admissible. That gets them nothing. They can’t monitor him off-duty. He was where he was supposed to be and they’re not privy to his private time. Loading body and vehicle events inadmissible. 


His strange route home, loading up for an hour is none of their business, no warrant. Inadmissible.


Wrongful Arrest and Rights Violated in lack of Mental Capacity


Chris had no defensive wounds, practically unheard of. People fight violently during strangulation, like a wild animal, biting, scratching, pinching. CBI 100% expected defensive wounds. SHOCKED, there were NONE. That’s called beyond reasonable doubt and he never should’ve been arrested. What does shock prove? It proves they expected them because they think he’s guilty. 


He didn’t have any and any logician would have to revisit the false premise he strangled Shanann, he didn’t. Absolutely Shocked Lee and Coder is far more than reasonable doubt. They know it’s unheard of and they had no right to arrest.


Suspect with Most to Gain and least to lose – Not A Suspect. 


This murder took longer to plan then they knew each other and the cops should know that because they never would’ve found any bodies without his mental incapacitation they well knew and self incrimination.


Chris was wrongful arrest and charged with murder he didn’t and couldn’t commit. He does not have rage nor towards Shanann. He was avoidant and alienated when he strayed, not aggressive or hostile. Totally out of his character. He couldn’t strangle anyone.


At that very moment, Chris in a sleeveless shirt with no wounds, Nichol was in the building in a long sleeved sweater while it was 86* outside. Everyone else in short sleeves. Detectives. Chris wearing less than.


More Mental Incapacitation


Chris showed up in the same clothes, 3rd day in a row. Normally, He’s a hygienic person. This is inability to self care. Mental incapacitation. 100%.


Someone guilty with awareness would have buried the sheet with Shanann, wore clothes to fit and changed his clothes, so not to arouse suspicion.


A 3rd day in the shirt Shanann just bought him that he loves. He is totally traumatized, mindless and controlled to this day.


CBI should’ve mirandized him and made him consult a lawyer. End of interrogation.


Violated 4th amendment and Just like a child or someone developmentally delayed, he can’t waive his rights without counsel, advocacy if there’s mental incapacitation.


 Nor can he self incriminate without confirming he understands his rights and the consequences. He was not in his right mind the whole 3 days, including stone face man on the news, when CBI convicted him.


 He was still In shock obviously and terrified of her. He hasn’t been able dress himself since it happened.


Misconduct & His Incarceration in Bad Faith


His has all the earmarks of a false confession, vague and doesn’t know why she didn’t fight, time slowed and stopped not adrenaline surged like the reality. 1st confession denied killing his daughters. Where’s the final confession that convicted him?


If credible Rourke would’ve released it. Says he’s Lacking case confidence, if so he’s committed prosecutorial misconduct and fraud on the court. Period. I don’t think he has a final confession or Chris was coached and it’s crap. Rourke wanted Chris to look guilty because he blew the case. If he had a believable confession we would’ve seen it. He doesn’t have confidence in it which means he lied to a judge and the world. Chris has been set up and wrongfully arrested and convicted.


Everyone violated 4th amendment, Rourke failed to secure warrants and critical evidence was contaminated and not collected or preserved, an ignorant rush to judgement and ruled out not one other suspect.


A fan of Alistair Crowley antagonal mistress, a days before disowned possessive mother in law, an estranged Maid of Honor, Dirty South business enriched a lot and young, a Facebook Stalker that can throw countless frowning faces from “a single account”?!?! How’d she do that? Hatred. And she’s a hacker. She can do things hacking I can’t explain.


 Another Chris and highschool teacher that’s a little crushy, an MLM rival maybe? They didn’t interview Other suspects. 


I’ll get Chris out If that forces an investigation. Far more dangerous for Rourke to be out.


Corruption & Cover Up


NK’s glamor shots, demure and eloquent, fed to you instead of video to hide guilty affect and simulated strangulation when Nichol says “Shanann”. YouTube video of Nichol saying “Shanann!” And simulating strangulation absolutely chilling. One person on this planet will gesture strangulation with Shananns mention. He meekishly pointed to his neck to indicate And tell on her murderer. He was communicating his trauma. Not the murderer, she choked out Shanann and growled through gritted teeth “Shaaaaann”




Go back and watch her interview with those $3500 studio pro photos. Her make up is perfect, look at the fade just beautiful. Hair dyed one tone and cut. Her eye brows and lips are immaculate. Nichol Kessinger is a butch lesbian, Looking more feminine than ever in her life, like Amber Frey.


Photos and makeover cost $1000s, she doesn’t have. Rourke paid, or his wife with photography business, studio, took them. Do not mistake, Rourke put a psychopath who is brilliant on the streets with you and me and new name and it’s not Aileen Wuornos or Jodi Arias. So we have 0 warning. 


The drop phone, google searches were to alibi her sexuality


2 Hours Wedding dress shopping , Maybe truck shopping she spent 2 hours or more but not for clothes. She is no fashionista, she’s doesn’t even wear make up . 


Her comment about “not knowing men like performing oral sex on women” is a lesbian resignation no straight woman has ever conceded to. As soon as I heard that I thought


Straight women have hope. Saying men don’t like it is just giving up. 


I realized NK is brilliant when dropping Amber Frey.


She’s the murderer, she doesn’t have a book to write. But, If you see a greedy, seedy Amber Frey, like you did, even if you hate her, you believe she’s straight and innocent. You don’t see the psychopathic lesbian obsessed with Shanann Watts, since, I posit, adolescence.


Rourke knows NK is guilty, thus the cover up, Chris did not act alone but they blew the case so they set him up and Rourke charged him with 5 murders.


Consciousness of guilt. He’s not guilty of killing Shanann so Rourke charges him with 2 extra murders. Fear. Rourke knows WHEN I GET CHRIS OUT, he goes In. 

He over charged him to make sure he stays in.


Coerced a false confession from Mr. Suggestible too afraid to go after battle axe, Nichol who already had an E-Lawyer retained wh9 would’ve blown open the case.


Likely to defend her texts and the mistake phone call she made to Jim & pinged in Frederick, morning of. She had at least 2 phones, sexuality alibi drop phone and murder phone, extremely disoriented herself by the kill, likely sick and couldn’t drive.


She was still in the kill area 40+ minutes after he left in shock herself and adrenaline, vomiting and couldn’t drive.


She would’ve left as soon as she could, if she could. She couldn’t. That’s the smoking gun.

She had to give them a phone she couldn’t give them the murder phone she searches Shanann daily on.

 Called Jim to get focused on sexuality alibi drop phone, Accidentally. 

 But she still has to give them a phone, can’t provide murder phone as well as an act of reluctance as if only phone. Ping in Frederick 6am, smoking gun. It’s 25 miles in wrong direction for her


She could use burners but she’s sentimental and saves everything. She wouldn’t want to dispose of her murder phone. She wants to relive this event and the planning of it. She’ll maintain drop phone, to hide the real phones.


Her preference was he stay unconnected not to providing her an alibi.


Rourke declared them all heroes. There’s a big plaque in the DA halls. 


The people declare heroes not people who covered crimes and violated rights put a psychopathic murderer in the community with a new identity. ½ out on PTSD and no one has done their job yet.


No one investigated the Google searches MOTIVE.


What’s crazier than the Hetero-normative narrative is only the reality:


Nichol had THE Geology Degree in 2013, to be qualified and hired by Geo Sciences, to be contracted out to Anadarko, to THE open Scientist Office position, to see techs semi-daily, to meet Chris Watts in time to seduce, before Shanann leaves for 6 weeks, to pu$$¥ bomb, plot murder, be Chris’ sole influence and annihilate his family.


She’s a hacker and can fake a degree but she also has the working knowledge and stes educated expected and only ever claimed Geology degree. I believe her.


And they are all geniuses. Chris Rain Man, Nichol battle axe & Shanann PR prodigy.


 Anadarko is where they worked, 1 by direct hire 2016? 1 by 2nd degree contracted 2018-17, where they met, is alibi, Body dump site, all evidence and destroyed, his truck GPS, DKessinger investor, Rourke sympathetic and they’ve had controversy ever since. 


What happened in Kessinger Murders was so highly unlikely and absolutely meant. This is not over. We have yet to learn. There’s significance here.


I started on Watts 4/1/2023 I played all the Watts YouTube videos that had the most facts, evidence, public facing information and played it in the background of my living room 24/7 for 2-3 months while I did other things. I’m a prodigy and learn most things I know passively. I’m unaware. When a complex scheme occurs to me in strength, I know what happened before knowing how, I will focus crime, work backward to put it together.


This solved Watts August 2023, published Facebook October 2023, deleted multiple times by Kessinger & Zuckerberg. 


Kessinger found me and Watts on FaceBook. Stalked and Hacked me. My unlisted phone and hotspot was getting sex and drug requests and offers, as was  messenger.


My Kessinger case kept deleting. Sometimes notes, sometimes the whole case.


Then one day I’m trying to screen shot NK history details and my iPad won’t, I try to print and save, won’t, Screen shot again, nope. My keys are stuck engaged. 


I back out into different browser and search and try to save and then she tantrummed. I’ve been hacked with NSO PEGASUS and they never did anything like this. She pounded on my iPad from MY SIDE. All the keys depressing at the same time, violently like she was here with me for 1-2 minutes exploding on my lap and I sat terrified.


My Hackers have their own equipment and superior connection, no one has ever acted on my side. It would be burdensome and purposeless but to freak me out. Witchcraft or demonic energy? IDK. She was furious. Then the harassment callers started saying they’re “in San Diego and coming” to my home.


I thought. Prodigy not, I didn’t anticipate Kessinger coming for me. She’s brilliant, beyond deadly and I’m listed. Oh no. I had to do something serious….


Sooooo, I pu$$y bombed her with nudes, myself. If she believes in the method/Magic, it might work on her. It sure did. Also sent her dark poetry and a YouTube playlist Unlikely Minds. She is serious about killing her targets. It was extreme but she likely wanted to kill me. I can't die right now but last thing I need a black psy-ops trained mercenary pissed at me. I'm a poet and a pacifist. And I need Kessinger for some work and Shannan says "it's ok". She's something too and feels responsible. 


Reopen Watts Kessinger case and corruption inquiry. I can represent Watts until he has lawyer not corrupt or clueless. 


If you’re in office, agency, advocacy this is a case of prosecutorial misconduct, justice denied, a man charged with 3 murders he did not commit and a vicious psychopath under New identity putting us all at risk for corruption and incompetence, we need justice.


Do the right thing, always. It doesn’t matter who I am. Just Do the right thing. 


