In 2021,

GUNS killed 49,000 Americans Vs.

MOTOR VEHICLES Killed 43,000


Cars intended for transport used by most adults daily. 


Guns to inflict lethal harm occasionally by gun owners and incidental handlers.


However these potentially lethal devices are treated altogether differently…Why? 


MV- No Minors (-16)

G – Kids + Guns = Fun


MV – Operator Tests 

G – Application & Safety instruction strongly encouraged


MV – Different licenses

G – AR15, Handgun, Rifle Eh?


MV – License renewals

 G – Once


MV – Vision Tests 

G – Scope optional


MV – Medical suspensions

G – Medical emergencies


MV – Point System Monitoring 

G – Snitches get shot


MV – Alcohol limits & DUI consequences

G – Booze Uzies


MV – No online fuel sales

G – Web Ammo! Kmart too far.


MV – Insurance & Liability 

G – If you get caught?


MV – Registration 

G – What for? I have the right to hide an arsenal


MV – Locks and ignition 

G – Security sold separately


MV – Seatbelts Mandated 

G – MY Right to oppose safety for us all and be dumb


If this makes sense to you, please explain it to me.


ALSO, I am pro-gun ownership ONLY with a higher education. Not 18 or 21 or high school graduate, a degree. You have the power to kill all in nano-seconds, you should be educated and have queried the value of life at some point. 

No more morons and children with guns. 


AND If you can’t control your hands you don’t get a gun. 


You handle your gun drunk, you lose your guns.


NRA you have no argument if we all are “inconvenienced” by safety and laws to drive. Cars aren’t weapons. GUNS should be MORE regulated. No one has the unchecked and unlimited right to kill. Period.


Terrorist Journalism Yayers, Nayers and Fence Dwelling Sayers




I believe most gun owners are responsible. They must be or there would be many more deaths.


The effort to instill everyone’s gun rights, pre-emptive to sacrifice any for safety, in spite of an individual’s abilities or risk, makes us all unsafe. Every single one of us.


Guns for personal protection, protect almost no one. 


There is no study that supports the claim we are safer with guns. Not one scientific study says guns promote our survival. Exactly the opposite.


Guns are used in self defense 1% of the time and law abiding citizens preventing harm done to them with a gun is beyond rare. 


Your gun is more likely to kill you and yours than you are to be, by a home intruding homicidal maniac.


3-4,000 abused women are killed with guns by their intimate partners. Usually there is warning and missed opportunities to intervene. 


However, guns are #1 cause of death in children now 4,750 up 50% last 2 years. 


Logically, If your guns aren’t protecting our youth, the best of us, our potential and future, our species survival, guns should be banned.


In fact anything killing our children at a greater rate, should be eliminated. No debate. That’s a survival decision. 


The constitution does not protect your activity when it’s reducing our life expectancy 4-5 years, in the last 2-3, essentially threatening our survival. Your guns should be gone yesterday-year. 


2nd amendment is in the spirit of Self-Defending, not protected Self & Species sabotage. The 2nd amendment is causing harm according to 100% of scientific studies.


And completely irrelevant in modern day population, density, inequality, social and financial disparity and weaponry accurate, powerful, instantaneous and effortless. 


5 digits of dead innocents. War buffs? Please tell me. Which war was it acceptable to murder 5 digits of innocents, annually? Civilian casualties. 


If this was a war we’d have sanctions, tribunals, trade and alliance treaties ripped up, UN enema, heads would roll, we would have hell to pay.


So why don’t the people demanding all unchecked gun rights with no controls, Have Hell To Pay?


NO ONE has more right to bear arms than kids do to their lives. Period. Kids are more valuable to society than gun owners. So next year, sacrifice 5,000 of yourselves.


Rights come with responsibility. There’s no 10,000 innocents slaughtered, free 2nd amendment unaccountable ride.


There should be NO dead innocents. NONE. We are NOT at war. And these kids are at their homes and schools. 


Supposedly we have millions of Uber responsible gun owners that want unbridled rights so we peace enthusiasts just have to accept 10,000 – 20,000 in collateral damage because any control, even ones that ensure the survival of our youth thus our species, are a violation to your 2nd amendment rights. 


Brain dead. Gun and Gas Lobbies. The anti-thesis to the survival of us and this planet. If anyone had a survival instinct and logic ascribed to, your guns and cars would be gone years ago. There is no survival mindset or effort and no logic exercised or applied in these times. 


Obviously we are most uncivilized and suicidal. Our species won’t survive your absolute constitutional rights, which is why they are not protected or absolute.


People who oppose innocent deaths have to take guns and rights away because your personal home protection is deadlier than a hot, foreign war.


I don’t understand the debate at all. But I also don’t value any of my inalienable rights more than human lives, or any life. 


However, I have an immense capacity for empathy. So, I don’t own, do or defend anything more than human life. And I do actively defend human lives more than I recreate.


€HARIT¥ I€ONI€ 2022